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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 07/13/2011
Minutes of Meeting – July 13, 2011; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; J McNinch; D Trancynger; D Roche; K Fowler.

Citizen’s Participation:   John Willey from the VFW announced that the VFW would be hosting a lobster dinner on Saturday, August 13 in Lilac Park.  MOTION by KF, seconded by LM to grant permission for use of Lilac Park as requested.  4/0 vote with DR abstaining.  MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to approve a one-day W&M license for the VFW for Saturday, 8/13 from 4-9pm in Lilac Park.  4/0 vote with DR abstaining.  Peg Stone gave a progress report on the Lenox Alliance for Arts and Humanities.  The gazebo project in Lilac Park and the outdoor sculpture displays are their current projects.  Eric Vincellette spoke about supporting and developing “Lenoxology”.

MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to accept the Minutes of June 22 as presented. 5/0 vote.

Economic Development Steering Committee Update:  Scott Laugenour stated that the committee continues to be busy.  He went through the various topics that they have been working on; they feel that it is important to get regular updates on the Visitor’s Center new location at the Library – it appears to be going very well; they are seeking ideas from the public regarding parking and the free bus rides on Fridays and Saturdays; they anticipate having proposals for wi-fi by July 22; they continue to review the marketing plan; they would like to have the Tub Parade recognized as an official Historic Event; the banners should be erected in the downtown area by the end of July.  

Richard Wise brought up his idea to hold a Caroling Festival in December, with groups competing for a monetary prize.  He believes that this would require a $10,000 budget, and asked the Board to consider authorizing $3000 from the Economic Development funds, with other funding coming from fundraisers.  MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to approve $3000 with any profits being used for year two.  5/0 vote.

Scott continued on stating that the Town is ready to launch the “Lenoxology” campaign.  He feels that the magic/uniqueness of Lenox will be conveyed to others.  The Board discussed the various logo options – signature, medallion, guilded, carefree, double take – and agreed that carefree was the one they preferred.  MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to approve Phase IV and V of the Marketing Plan.  3/2 vote with LM and DR opposed.  KF suggested that some testing on a focus group be considered, but Scott stated that there was no budget for this.  DR stated that it is the town’s people who are the customers who are paying for this, and we need the local businesses to support it or it won’t fly.  LM stated that she receives daily criticism.  DT feels that it is worth trying, and supports the concept.  JM also supports it, and feels that the word hasn’t gotten out and that we need to keep moving forward.  Eiran Gazit suggested that the Board select a script/type of lettering and ask Bodden Hamilton to present the whole campaign.  MOTION by DT, seconded by KF to go with the “Carefree” design style.  5/0 vote.  

MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to open the public hearing regarding a request from National Grid seeking permission to run 5’ of underground conduit under New Lenox Road as part of the rebuilding of the New Lenox Sewer Pump Station.  5/0 vote.  A representative from National Grid appeared to explain their request which has some minor modifications and answer any questions. After a brief discussion, MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to close the public hearing.  5/ vote.  MOTION by LM, seconded by DT to grant said permission for the modified plans.  5/0 vote.

Declaration of Available Land:  As part of the Sawmill Brook housing project, the Town must declare the property available for disposition.  Accordingly, MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to declare the property consisting of approximately 19.570 acres and identified on the Lenox Assessors Map as Map 45, Parcel 1, located at the corner of Route 7 and 20 and Housatonic Street available for disposition.  5/0 vote.

JM updated the Board on regionalization efforts between the Lee and Lenox Police Departments.  Due to the time constraints, and insufficient savings to be realized, the towns will not be going forward at this time.  However, there were strong discussions about other possibilities that could be looked at and an agreement to hold meetings with the three boards of selectmen.
MOTION by LM, seconded by KF to award a contract for construction oversight and additional engineering services on the Kennedy Park Tank project to Weston and Sampson at a cost not to exceed $115,000 and to authorize the TM to sign a contract for same.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by DT, seconded by DR to approve a sewer agreement between the Town and the BSO for connection to our sewer system as presented and to authorize the TM to sign the agreement.  5/0 vote.
Consent Agenda:  MOTION by DT, seconded by DR to approve the following: Change of Manager on the liquor license at Cranwell Resort from Lew Kiesler to Carl Pratt; One-Day A/A license request to MA Audubon for 7/30 from 6-10pm; One-Day W&M license request to Ventfort Hall for 8/13 from 6-11pm; One-Day W&M license request to Ventfort Hall for 8/15 from 6-11pm; One-Day W&M license request to St. Ann for 7/30 from 11am-7:30pm; Temporary sign request for St. Ann Lawn Party from July 16-30 to advertise their Lawn Party; temporary banner request from the Historical Society from July 15-29 at The Academy; accept resignation from Red Steuerwald as a Trustee of The Academy.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DT, seconded by LM to approve a pledge of liquor license from the Econolodge to TD Bank, NA.  5/0 vote.

Old/New Business:  LM mentioned that the dirt driveways located in the downtown area are draining onto the sidewalks and need to be swept clean.  DR thanked Warren Archey for the tree plantings.  DT stated that the Town needs to enforce the sandwich board rules and that the Building Inspector needs to send out letters with fines.  KF commended the DPW for the clean-up after the recent storm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Director of Administrative Services
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518